Do you ever realize that everything we do, everything we seek, everything we ultimately want is just a joyful, loving, happy experience that bring us peace? :) We often think...
Find the treasure within, it's got all the answers you've been seeking. You've got a heart of Gold and it's waiting for you to listen, to trust, and to follow. ...
Item ships from USA - 3-5 business days for delivery Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily life that we forget the most precious thing in life is...
The moment you were being created in your mother's womb, the moment your heart was being formed, the moment your heart started its very first heart beat, the moment you were born, was...
i love this necklace and everywhere i go, i'm always getting compliments.. i'm glad i bought it
Gina J.
I really love the pendant. One time, I tried it on my cat and it is also perfect bling for her.
Unieshi K.
I just got this today and I really love it! I'm planning to give it as a present to my mom on Valentine's Day! Seeing it today, it looks expensive and high quality, I'll reorder another one for me, too!